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Weight Loss and Healthy Living | Naturopath Melbourne | Naturopathy Brunswick

diet-weight-lossWeight loss and dieting have been surrounded by myths and fads for years.  When we diet with fads such as low-carb, high protein or low fat diets we change the way in which our body uses food to keep us alive and well.  In order for us to lose weight and reduce total body fat, we need to change the way in which we live – our lifestyle!

As we all know, physical exercise and healthy foods are only part of the change we need to make.  We need to change our mental outlook as well.  Being positive releases chemicals in our brains that stimulate digestion, supports our immune system and reduces our stress.  Being positive helps us remain focused and most importantly happy.


 Five Key Steps to Weight Loss

1. Chew your food

Chew your food!  When we eat in a rush we don’t allow our body enough time to digest. Chewing stimulate and primes the body for breaking down our food.  Wait at least 20 minutes after eating before you have seconds.

2. Choose healthy snacks

Choose healthy snacks and keep them on you throughout the day. This stops you from grabbing convenient rubbish foods that don’t give your body the nutrients it needs.  Nuts and seeds are good options.  Vegetables sticks such as carrot or capsicum with hummus is another way to keep your energy and body metabolising.

3. Avoid “diet” foods and drink

Avoid “diet” foods and drink. These are generally packed with nasty chemicals that your body doesn’t recognise and therefore cannot use. Recent research is also strongly suggesting that some of these “diet” food chemicals are strongly linked to serious health risks and issues.

4. Regular Exercise boosts our metabolism

Regular Exercise boosts our metabolism which helps burn fat and ultimately loose weight!  Light weights and stretching complement regular exercise as they help tone the muscles.  Exercise doesn’t equal the gym.  So if its a dreaded experience not only will you stop, you wont enjoy it.  Try dancing or join a walking group…or create your own!   Exercise should be a fun and a rewarding time, so find something you enjoy and do it.

5. Sleep is very important

Sleep is very important for both physical and mental health.  Too little sleep is just as bad as too much sleep.  When we don’t sleep enough, our body isn’t given the chance to heal and repair.  It may also store fat to use as energy.  The problem with this is that when we don’t sleep enough and become tired, we look for a quick energy fix which is usually high in sugar…. A source of fat!  Likewise when we sleep for too long slows down circulation and metabolism. Next time you feel tired notice what type of food you reach for in the pantry or shop. I bet its high in sugar which your body will convert to fat if its not used immediately.



There are many thoughts that carbohydrates are the cause to weight gain.  However this is untrue.   A low carb diet will help reduce weight quickly, however can also be damaging to the body.  Carbohydrates consist of a variety of foods that are essential to not just optimal health but also optimal weight.  Its all about the type of carbohydrate we choose to eat.  Vegetables contain carbohydrates, limiting these foods is unhealthy.  Reducing carbohydrate foods such as cakes and pastries will help with weight loss and stabilise energy levels throughout the day and do wonders for your body.


Facts about Fat

Like low carbohydrate diets, high protein diets can also be problematic, so are low fat diets.  When we reduce “fat” in our diet, we reduce the ability to support all cell structures in our body’s.  This means that our brain struggles to communicate with the rest of our body to function at its best.  Fats include omega-3’s, which are the most important fats we require.  Saturated fats and some omega-6 foods promote inflammation that cause fluid retention, harden our arteries making it difficult for blood to pass through to deliver nutrients and disrupt our immune system.

The key to weight loss and sustain a healthy body is making small, achievable goals.  By making small steps, you are more likely to keep the weight off and remain in control and focused.

Choose healthy, unprocessed and where possible unpackaged foods.  These are more likely to contain fewer chemicals and you will be eating food that is close to its original state.

Regular exercise such as yoga, walking and swimming are great ways to increase cardiovascular health, aid in weight loss and help promote happy hormones such as serotonin! Loosing weight or achieving your ideal weight is really a consequence of being healthy…a side effect that is most desirable.

We will at a later stage be releasing steps and recipes  to help people along their journey towards better health.  So stay tuned to this website as more information will become available.

We will only provide information that is based on science and clinical experience…so no fad diets just simple and effective weight loss strategies that work and that anyone can do without any long term dependence on any products or services.


Naturopathy Melbourne