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Colonic Irrigation or Colonic Hydrotherapy | Naturopath Melbourne | Naturopathy Brunswick

Colonic Irrigation or Colonic Hydrotherapy

Preparing for Colonic Irrigation

Colonic therapy (irrigation or hydro)
is a gentle cleansing of the large intestine.

When we first decided to introduce colonic therapy (also known as colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy) to our clinic we investigated the benefits as well as the best approach. Our primary focus was to introduce a therapy that was effective and above all safe. We discovered that even though an “Open Colonic” System was cost effective as we did not need to hire a colonic therapist because it is a ” Do it yourself” system, it did not full-fill our main concern which was safety.

One of the largest risk with colonic irrigation is the insertion of the rectal speculum. Some people have haemorrhoids (internal & external) , fissures, strictures, benign growths (harmless tumours), polyps, and for some individuals the rectum does not lay at the expected angle or they suffer from a rectal prolapse. Knowing this, you would now agree that trying to insert yourself, a rectal speculum in an area that you can’t see and in some cases have difficulty in reaching is not the best approach and in some cases lead to bowel perforation.

There are 2 types of Colonic Irrigation/Hydrotherapy “Open Colonic” System and “Closed Colonic” System


The second concern we had with an “Open Colonic” System was there was no therapist attending during the procedure to regulates and assess the therapy at all times. For some individuals applying a preset pressure is not the best approach as the needs of the patient may change. For instance if there is a large blockage and the pressure is not adjusted then this will unnecessarily extend the bowel causing possible cramping and perhaps tiny tears in the bowel wall (fissures).

We know that there are great health benefits to be gained by colonic hydrotherapy, most people feels a surge of wellbeing, improved energy and is also an invaluable tool for gastroenterologist who are now using this system to clear the bowel prior a colonoscopy to better view the large intestine wall. But like all things, it has to be done properly and by a qualified individual. You would not put an unlicensed, inexperienced person behind the wheel of the car and expect good outcomes. There is nothing wrong with the car but there is everything wrong with the person in control of it.

We understand that some people may be hesitant about rectal insertion but like all things medical (pap smear, prostate exam) its just a few seconds of awkwardness that is soon forgotten. We take your welfare and apprehensions seriously and offer gowns and towels to maintain your modesty at all times. A rectal digital exam and rectal insertion will take less than 10 seconds and the rest of the time you are laying on your back completely covered by towels.

All the tubing equipment is single use and disposable as the third biggest concern is cleanliness to minimise the possibility of infection.

The Colonic irrigation machine we use is German and it is top of the range. The water passing through is filtered, temperature controlled (also pre-warmed) and has a U-V light sterilising the water before it reaches the bowel. The colonic machine has a self cleaning program that is used between patients. The colonic machine has various dials that allows the colonic therapist to vary the procedure greatly depending on the individual needs of the patient. For instant a patient that has not had a bowel action for 10 days will not have an identical procedure to a patient that has regular bowel action but is in need of a detox. In an “open colonic” system there would be no variation.

All equipment that is is used is disposable (excluding the machine). Disposable items include all tubing connecting the patient to the colonic machine, table coverings, speculum and gloves. The colonic area is wiped down with a medical grade disinfectant between patients. We take hygiene seriously.


Our Colonic Therapist will Explain Everything you need to know

A health questionnaire is provided and once completed the analysis of your questionnaire will be explained to you.

Contraindications to the colonic procedure will be checked and the procedure will be cancelled should you not qualify. Safety always comes first.

A Pre-treatment consultation will be conducted checking your blood pressure and the reason you are attending to help you achieve your health goals.

Your Colonic Therapist has a thorough understanding of digestive physiology and will explain during the course of the treatment what your stools indicate by commenting on the quantity, shape, formation, gas, colour of the stool etc…

The use of abdominal massage and water flow techniques throughout the treatment.

Advise will be given to individualise after-care health advice such as probiotic supplements, food to eat and helping clients make adjustments to their lifestyle in order to support their health goals.


How should the Procedure Feel?

When the water is introduced into the bowel and is at capacity the sensation is very similar to what you would feel when you have a normal bowel action. Should you feel discomfort the water flow flow is stopped and the water is drained from the bowel. This procedure should not be painful as the bowel is never overextended.

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Naturopathy Melbourne